My heart is fairly bursting with gratitude today at the end of an ordinary week filled with extraordinary moments…
The realization of what a blessing it is to know your life's purpose (because when you understand that, you know where you're going and can enjoy the journey-no matter the twists and turns it may take to get there)
Genuine, heartfelt worship --(thank you Benny Oke and the Sounds of Worship) (because when you enter into true worship, it's a joy that fills your soul and carries you for days!)
Protection from two near misses on the road (because sometimes it's out of your hands)
Laughing pillow to pillow with the husband before we slept last night (because it makes for sweet sleep and pleasant dreams)
Good work with good people living out a mission statement that matters (because that doesn't happen everywhere)
Little arms reaching up for me (because it's as good to hold as it is to be held)
Coming to grips with "what's the worst that could happen?" (because it makes me realize where my hope must always be and allows me to rest in that)
Texting with my girl late at night (because I love sharing her heart and knowing what to pray for her)
The realization that all my fears, insecurities, failures, struggles, pains and faults aren't meant to keep me down but to cause me to lean into the One who can lift me up (Because sometimes I lose sight of the fact that He's the One who can redeem them)
Loved this and have read it three times now....good to notice the small stuff that is actually the big stuff :-)